Oooh I Like That …

Due to RSI in my ‘knitting’ arm and a rather trying week of a painful tooth abscess, bad reaction to the antibiotics prescribed and a blinding migraine, (I must have been Ghengis Khan in a previous life & fate is getting it’s own back!) … my yarning Mojo threw a wobbly & buggered off on a trip somewhere.

Thus a little (OK, a lot!) of self medication required.

Of course, I couldn’t keep it all to myself, so whether you are in your Happy Place or marooned somewhere not quite so pleasant, hop into my slightly leaky row boat and we’ll take in a bit of woolly inspiration together… ❤

Every year I promise myself that I’ll knit a lovely pile of squishy sweaters to wear in Winter and every year I end up knitting a lovely pile of squishy stuff for everyone else to wear and I go shopping in M & S! So, these lovelies will be added to my ‘promise pile’.

Yummy stocking stitch with a pretty cabled detail. Available in sizes Baby to XXL. Purchase pattern Here.
Yummy stocking stitch with a pretty cabled detail. Available in sizes Baby to XXL. Purchase pattern Here.
Beautiful lace detail on the sleeves and back of this sweater makes it into something special. Buy the pattern Here.
Beautiful lace detail on the sleeves and back of this sweater makes it into something special. Buy the pattern Here.
Love EVERYTHING about this one. Pattern Here.
Love EVERYTHING about this one. Pattern Here.
Gorgeousness! Pattern Here.
Gorgeousness! Pattern Here.
Finally, more beautiful sleeve detail. Pattern Here.
Finally, more beautiful sleeve detail. Pattern Here.

I do hope you enjoyed this little meander down inspiration river.

Here’s to a successful Mojo Hunt! Happy Yarning 🙂 x

My Pattern Gallery …

Wight Wedding 2
           Wight Wedding Shawl

Due to some valued feedback, It has been brought to my notice that it is difficult to find Wightstitches patterns, I thought the Etsy and Ravelry links would suffice but apparently peeps would prefer to be able to browse them here before wandering off and getting sucked into those ‘portholes of temptation’….

Wightstitches Patterns …  Gallery (One)

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All patterns featured are lovingly designed, written, proof-read, tested and photographed by Lynn Hamps (Me!) ♥

I hope to encourage beginners and to inspire fibre experts too with beautiful projects for yourself, your home and the special people in your life.

Every pattern is listed as a pdf  document in my Etsy store and are available as immediate downloads, so no waiting to start that project you are hankering after …..

I toyed with the idea of direct buying from here but I trust the reliability of Etsy and thought that was the best solution for now.

Have a little browse through the gallery and if anything takes your fancy, the link below will whisk you away to the Wightstitches Etsy page, where you can read all the details and purchase if you desire.

Link to my Etsy Store
Link to my Etsy Store



HERE on the Island, blustery storms and ramrod raindrops appear to have transformed our beautiful Indian Summer straight into Winter and bypassed Autumn completely this year. October has taken me a little by surprise, I could have sworn before I blinked it was still August! So all those fabulous sweaters that were planned have had to be put aside whilst I dip my toes into my festive list…one day I might just catch up with myself coming back the other way…

Thought you might like a little look at the lovelies I WOULD have chosen if I’d been better organised…

Alex top down sweater
Sometimes simplicity is the key to style. This fabulous top-down sweater could easily become a wardrobe staple… Make in glowing jewel colours and layer over long sleeved tees for the perfect cover-up, and if you grow really attached, make another in a lighter shade for Spring. Even better, the pattern is FREE…
Another fabulous freebie, this time crocheted. I love both disciplines but have to reluctantly admit that not many crocheted garments for adults appeal. This is a definite exception ...Adore that cowl neckline!  (I'd work longer sleeves though because I'm fussy.. lol)
Another fabulous freebie, this time crocheted. I love both disciplines but have to reluctantly admit that not many crocheted garments for adults appeal. This is a definite exception
…Adore that cowl neckline!
(I’d work longer sleeves though because I’m fussy.. lol)
Beautifully subtle cabling and lots of positive ease drew me to this lovely...
Beautifully subtle cabling and lots of positive ease drew me to this lovely… One of those special sweaters that is worth buying that gorgeous hand spun yarn you’ve had your eye on. You’ll just wish you’d made two…

                                                                                               “There is practically no activity that cannot be enhanced or replaced by knitting, if you really want to get obsessive about it.”
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

OK, not strictly a sweater but cardigans count too…
This one is certainly at the top of my side-lined list and it comes in a brilliant array of sizes.

acorns I am sure you are far more disciplined than I am and most likely have your Winter Woolly’s ready and waiting. If not, then would any of these make your to-do list?

Until next time,  Happy (rain-soaked) Autumnal Yarning……Stay safe.